* Bus Khandallah. R.A.O. Morgan. 1953. R25621696 Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga, Wellington.
Looking for a specific print of a time and place? We offer a free research service delving into New Zealand's archives to find a historical print that resonates with you.
How it works
- Get in touch — Request our research service by filling out the form below.
- Tell us what you're after. Is it an aerial view of a town, city, suburb you grew up in? Or, are you into something more specific like a moment in New Zealand culture, fashion, sports or agriculture?
- Research — Once we've got your request we’ll let you know we’re on the hunt and start our search for your perfect print. Please note, we're a small team (of one) so time frames may vary depending on the complexity of the request. But, If you haven't heard back from us after a week. Please check your email spam folder, as we might be hiding in there :)
- Results — We’ll send you a selection of photographs we’ve found. All photographs have to be at quality that can be printed so there are no guarantees of success.
- Selection — If you’re happy with your suggested print and wish to proceed we’ll let you know pricing and send an invoice.
- Pricing — Our research service is free! And our printing and framing prices are the same as our general collection. But we do apply a small fee of $50 which covers the restoration and resizing to make sure your print looks its very best. This is only charged if you proceed to purchase. Additionally, some archives may charge a copyright or download fee for using their service. We’ll let you know if this applies.
Please note. Digital files are NOT provided as part of this service. Whether you choose to proceed to purchase or decide it isn't quite what you're after, we reserve the right to reintroduce any photography found (during our free research service) to our general collection.